Report Says 26% of People Working in Canada Are Immigrants

Immigrants are bringing the employment gap between Canadian-born workers and newcomers closer together, according to new data from Statistics Canada. The immigrant unemployment level is at the lowest point since 2006, which is when data was first being collected. The unemployment rate for Canadian residents stood at five percent in 2017, and 6.4 percent for immigrants. Moving to Canada would be a good move for you and your family. Canadian Visa Expert has a team ready to help you with the visa process. Contact them today.

Immigrants make up 26 percent of the workforce in Canada, and Canadian-born employees make up the other 74 percent. While the Canadian-born workers have seen a decrease in jobs, immigrant employment has continued to rise. “Most of the growth in immigrant employment was in professional, scientific and technical service; finance, insurance, real estate, and leasing services, manufacturing as well as health care and social assistance,” said Statistics Canada.

If you are considering relocating to Canada for work, contact Canadian Visa Expert. Their goal is to help everyone wanting to move to Canada to be able to do so without complications in the process. Their team of professionals can review all the documents and help you submit them correctly.

Over 49 percent of immigrants relocating to Canada and joining the workforce have a university degree. Only 30 percent of Canadian-born employees have a degree from a university. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Ahmed Hussen said immigration is a critical part in helping to meet the labor market challenges, creating jobs in Canada and growing local businesses. He also commented that the key to successful integration of immigrants to Canada is employment.

All provinces in Canada, according to the research, have seen an increase in core-age immigrants. Canada is a top country for people to consider due to the national health care system and the many job opportunities available. Canadian Visa Expert is dedicated to helping people get the visa needed to live and work in Canada. Their team can help you understand the point system, choose the correct visa, and answer any questions you may have about the process.